Progressive Delivery Service
Our company offers a special service, which is called progressive delivery. It allows to manage difficult and long orders with ease (double spaced 20+ pages and single spaced 10+ pages).
Advantages clients get when they order this service:
- They can check the process of writing because we will send the paper in parts or in a draft form to the client before the deadline expiration in order to get his/her approval.
- Such papers can be revised within 30 days (papers without progressive delivery can be revised for free within 2 days only).
- Your paper will be written by a top writer and edited by the best editor.
- A personal manager controls the paper writing process and makes sure it is written according to all requirements. In addition, a personal manager ensures successful communication between the assigned writer and the client.
The process of sending drafts is as follows*:
- when the order has 4 days and less urgency, a draft can be sent when 50% of the deadline expires (e.g., when an order has 6 days, a draft will be sent in 3 days). Draft will comprise 25% of the whole paper (e.g., if the paper is 36 pages, 9 pages of a draft will be sent to the client);
- when the order has 5-11 days urgency, 2 paper drafts are delivered to the client within 25% and 50% of total order deadline in the respective volume of 25% and 50%;
- when the order has 12 and even more days urgency, 3 paper drafts are delivered to the client within 25%, 50%, 75% of total order deadline in the respective volume of 25%, 50%, 75%.
Such service costs +15% to the whole order sum.
* In case a client wishes to get the order differently, it is not a problem for us to make an individual plan of actions basing on clients desires and paper specificities. In such instances, every detail has to be discussed with the order manager.
Short Orders and Additional Services (Shorter than 20 Pages)
1-Page Order Summary
Summary is our additional writing service. Our writer provides a brief summary of the whole paper on 1 page. This way, clients can easily understand main paper points. Summary is helpful for those clients who have to report on the paper topic.
Paper Draft
When a client orders this service, he/she will receive a 1 page draft (in case the paper is double spaced, 300 word draft will be written and if the paper is single spaced, 600 words will be written) of the ordered paper when 50% of the order completion deadline expires. For example, if the urgency of the order is 6 days, a draft will be delivered in 3 days.
Extended Revision Service
We provide free revision services to all orders within 2 days after their delivery while extended revision service gives our clients an opportunity to extend revision to 14 days.