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3 Tips for a Superior Patriotism Essay

3 Tips for a Superior Patriotism Essay

Superior Patriotism Essay

There are many topics that are seemingly easy to write about, but they turn out to be a lot more complicated than one might suspect. Patriotism is one of them. On the one hand, it is a pleasant subject that does not require one to do too much in depth research. On the other hand, there are some complications that you should do your best to avoid them if you want an A. Here is a helpful little list that will guide you in creating an excellent essay!

Focus on Your Personal Perception of Patriotism

Lots of people make a mistake when they are too all-encompassing in their pieces of writing. Patriotism is a broad topic that many people see differently. Some even perceive it negatively. Instead of trying to mention all the outlooks, focus on your own. What does the word mean to you? Is it volunteering for your community? Joining the military? Having the American flag fly in your yard? Find out what your definition of the term “patriotism” is first.

Try to Find Specific Examples

Arguments without corroborative evidence are not engaging and unconvincing. This is why you need to write about the instances when you experienced patriotism or have seen it expressed. Many people cite the reaction to the September 11 attack as a moment when the whole nation joined together in its love for America and its people. Other people prefer to write about smaller things, like working in a soup kitchen to help homeless veterans. It’s up to you what to mention, though remember that it should be consistent with the overall focus of your paper.

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Remember to Acknowledge Opposing Opinions

Responding to the people’ opinions that differ from yours is a sign of a good essay. Thus, you are supposed to prepare a profound rebuttal in your piece of writing. For instance, some people think that certain expressions of patriotism are racist in nature, exclusionary to people from other countries, and can lead to the decline of critical thinking. What could be your response in such a situation?

If you are still struggling or don’t have enough time, you can always order a paper from our writing service. It is cheap, efficient, and will get you an “A” worthy essay in no time!

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