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«Evaluation of a Human Services Program» - Great Essay Sample

«Evaluation of a Human Services Program»

Administration on Children, Youth, and Family (ACYF) is a human service program under the United States Department of Health and Human Service. It is also incorporated in the Youth and Families Department. Virtually, this service program has a budget of $58.8 billion annually which targets about 65 programs for children, youth and families. Therefore, these funds are used for taking care of the welfare of the children, the youth, as well as their families.

The major goals of this program include the following: firstly, families and individuals are empowered towards improving their economic and productivity levels. They are advised to develop independence in terms of economic and social activities. The program also aims at empowering people to be strong, healthy as well as support other members of the community to improve their standards of living, both for youths and their families. Therefore, they play a central role in enhancing the standards of living of their target groups within the state. People are also encouraged to partner with individuals, service providers among other members of the community such as American Indian tribes, Native Americans as well as the Congress to provide a solution to various phenomena that contribute to both individual and societal growth. It also organizes individuals to understand their environment and turn it into more use (U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2006). The program also aims at planning, reforming as well as integrating services to take make them easily accessible to the society. Moreover, the program takes into consideration the less fortunate members of the society, such as the refuges, disabled and immigrants in order to address their needs and empower them to develop themselves.

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In 2006, Administration on Children, Youth and Family (ACYF) developed key strategies involving the money set aside by the Congress for abstinence educational programs. It was stated that first it is essential to identify various group such as youth and parents when carrying out the education on abstinence. The education focuses on family planning, disease and pregnancy prevention. Therefore, the program had to target both adults, as well as adolescents within the age of 12 and 29 years old. Therefore, specifying of ages was necessary in order to group the messages based on the audience. ACYF also carries community based education programs with the aim of funding various public entities. It offers grants to organizations that offer education on abstinence till. For instance, in 2005, a total of $ 104 million was given to various organizations among other entities with the aim of informing the public on health sex and abstinence.

ACYF also revises their materials that are used for educating the public. These revisions are based on research and demonstration of various activities in the contemporary society. This is followed by training officials, who are responsible for disseminating information to the public either through media or through various training institutions, which are mostly community based. Information disseminated aims at enlightening the community members on the need to enhance their lives, acquire quality services, shelter their children as well as educate youths on how to avoid risky situations (Feldstein, 2005). ACYF is also responsible for offering support to various federal programs. In this case, their prime objective is to enhance positive growth and development of individuals in all federal states.

Administration on Children, Youth and Family teams up with other community based organizations in order to reach the public. It categorizes its information based on age of its target audience. For example, youths are taught on the essence of abstinence and adults on the need to exercise family planning and safe sex. Moreover, the information disseminated involves planning and organizing information related to sex and family planning. It also generates new understanding and creates a favorable environment which supports healthy living and economic development (U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2006). This is achieved through designing new concepts, which targets both educational and economic programs.

As a social program, Administration on Children, Youth and Family solicits funds from the Congress. They select various federal programs targeting youths and families. Virtually, these programs have to be connected with community based organizations that are entrusted with development of various projects that are required to address the needs of all members of the society (Feldstein, 2005). The programs should also address issues such as social education among other economic projects. This creates an even platform, where majority of the societal members can assess or benefit from the funds in comparison to a situation where resources are distributed by the highest authority, which are not fully aware of the immediate needs of the society.

Administration on Children, Youth, and Family supports various families and youths in United States. Their budget can be justified based on their performance and positive transformation of various federal states. In the execution of its activities, this program does not discriminate people based on race, color or physical status (U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2006). It takes care of the wellbeing of children, adults as well as youths in all federal states. It also works in conjunction with other federal programs for the benefit of the public. Its education and description of family planning and abstinence has enhanced the standards of life among the people in United States.


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