In the Bible passages it is said that a person should not collect material things, but rather be prepared for a new life with Jesus, where there is no place for sins (Luke 12:13-21). Chaucer also speaks about greed in his Canterbury Tales:in “The Friar’s Tale”and in “The Pardoner’s Tale.”In the first tale, a church official, Summoner, is shown as a greedy person. He makes people give him money and uses his position for it. In this tale, it was depicted that evil is hidden behind such actions. In the other tale, Chaucer tried to tell his readers that the above pointed sin leads to death. Three men, who are trying to find Death, are killed because of their greed for money. The Pardoner tells people that they should avoid such sin, but he does not do it, and always tries to make money whenever it is possible.
Both in the Bible and in Chaucer’s tales, one can find the main idea about greed – every person should avoid it and do not collect material things; it is wise to think about other more important things in one’s life (Colossians 3:5 -17).
According to the Bible, desires of a person’s sinful nature lead to jealousy and other sins. People should lead a righteous life and in such a way they will be able to inherit the Kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-26). In “The Miller’s Tale”Chaucer tried to show readers that jealousy is not a good feeling, and, as a result, John, Alisoun’s husband, was humiliated in front of the whole town. He tried to get to know God’s secrets since he supposed that Nickolas knew those, but no one should know them. He paid his price. The Bible’s and Chaucer’s interpretations of greed and jealousy are much the same – such feelings only destruct a person.
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