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«Target Policies» - Great Essay Sample

«Target Policies»

Target’s mission and values is working together to enhance connection and communication both within and outside the company. The company believes in developing designs for all, with the driving force being the believe that great designs are smart, fun and surprising. It also believes that every person should be able to access and afford such designs. The company believes in diversity among all areas, which entails building a team of professionals with distinct experiences and different backgrounds.

Diversity also entails supplier diversity by establishing relationships with the minority suppliers and women-owned vendors. The company also believes in community engagement by teaming up with key organizations that assist in providing for the needs of the society through development of innovative programs, volunteer opportunities and sponsorships (O’Rourke, 2007). The organization also believes that its employees are the greatest team they have and, thus they invest in their growth and development. It also ensures that the working place is fun for every member of staff.

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Target Corporation is a company committed to carrying out business ethically and lawfully. As a result, the company has a set of policies that govern the operations of the staffs amongst themselves and with the outsiders. The staffs are expected to act with honesty and integrity at all times and avoids practices that would result in conflict of interests or prohibited business (Target stores, 2011). The company has a business conduct guide that gives guidelines on personal and workplace issues, work place safety, communications, conflicts of interests, audits and inspections, record retention, protection of the company’s assets, advertising, intellectual property, competing ethically and fairly, environment, healthcare, product safety, political and lobbying activities, anti-bribery and international trade. In addition, it addresses issues of credit and financial services, insider trading, information privacy and protection, financial reporting and integrity, reporting and guidance and vendor services. These policies act as guidelines to ensure smooth running of operations.


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