In this paper I will seek to discuss the Intermountain Way to positively Impact Cost and Quality, I will draw my references from the internet.
Key words: Intermountain, healthcare.
Intermountain uses a clinical integration approach to organize care delivery along service lines such as primary care, and cardiovascular. Within this structure, of clinical integration quality care and improvements are enforced by teams of healthcare providers and staff who are trained in the operations of the relevant clinical practice (Young, 2010).
The IH intervention, was designed to promote these main three essential primary care practice changes first it was supposed to improve the early detection and management of depression and other mental health conditions. Secondly, it was to reinforce the ongoing relational patient contact with their families so that there can be adherence and self-management in dealing with these chronic illnesses. And lastly, to match and adjust the treatment and management interventions in the event that there is an evidence of increasing complexity and inadequate response to the treatment prescribed.
This program is a just a result of IH quality improvement culture that is, committed to integrating the services that have been adopted in the primary care clinical program as a social and medical infrastructure, for the major purpose of managing many chronic disease. The clinical intervention system is affiliated to more than 2,900 physicians, operates an impressive 130 practices across the service area, and operates its own health care plan (Young, 2010).
The IH practices treat all patients and their families regardless of their ability to pay,patients who receive health care across the region in which it operates this integration model also goes beyond location in its approach being team-based is run at the clinic, thereby improving both the physician and staff satisfaction. Patients who went for treatment in HI clinics also show satisfaction, because of their lower costs, and better quality of their services (Savits, 2009). Thanks to HI clinical intervention program are financially sustainable in the clinics where it operates without known subsidies.
To replicate this programme to the local setting, it would take the society to speak out to hospital administrators on how to achieve similar results in local hospitals or other health delivery systems that do not have this institutional and financing support that Intermountain provides to its patients in primary care clinics and medical groups (Young, 2010). For instance, purchasers of health supplies could use the information they get from bench marking with IH to justify subsidization or better payment reforms that will offer incentives for quality improvements borrowed from IH clinical intervention implementation.
Also, the local health service providers can check whether there is potential for accountable care in organizations and if bundle payments in healthcare reform may work to overcome possible hospital payment challenges when implementing the clinical intervention They could also carry out future research that improves the MHI on these to expand their patient cohorts to include all inclusive analysis (Savits, 2009). The local hospitals should also plan to look for issues of family burden due to medical expense, comorbidity, and also the contributory role of a local family and the community resources, such as church groups, in supporting the prevention and recovery, of some of these diseases.
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