Question #1. An end of chapter question asks you to take sides in the debate between Huerta and Calder is it possible that each can be “right” under certain circumstances? If so, under what circumstances?
Answer #1. In the debate between Huerta and Calder, I agree with Huerta , that for a software project manager to avoid shortfalls during a project, one should undertake to plan for the project, and follow through with it to ensure that there is effectiveness in the implementation. Take for example in the text, the key characteristics of the compatibility maturity model approach to soft ware project management are a continuous improvement of the employee’s skills, developing team work that works effectively in an organized way, providing motivation to the employees to ensure improvement of performance (Austin, Nolan, & O'Donnel, 2009).
Question #2. The software engineering intsitute “capability maturity model” is mentioned on page 96. What are the key characteristics of the CMM approach to software project management?
Answer#2. Syncronizing the needs of the firm, and employees for the overall good of the company, in terms of meeting the business key performance indicators. If firms use compatibility maturity model approach, firms can avoid a scenario where the employees are forced to work on tasks which they are unequipped to implement (Austin, Nolan, & O'Donnel, 2009).
Question#3. What seems to be the core idea in the “agile” approach to project management?
Answer#3. The agile approach to project management is implemented to reduce costs during a software project. As we know most software projects are accompanied with some risks, which if not properly mitigated can cause serious loses to the companies where they are implemented. Therefore, this approach which is pointed towards the team to run the soft ware, as opposed to task management synonymous with the waterfall management, provides the best chance of mitigating the risks associated with it (Austin, Nolan, & O'Donnel, 2009). The agile is that they also seek to implement changes to customer demands in a way that is fast and cheaper.
Question#4. If you have been involved in a “death march” project, tell us about it.
Answer#4. Like Barton, I have also had a death march experience (Austin, Nolan, & O'Donnel, 2009 ). At one time while I was working for a local bank, there was a campaign for a new product which involved opening new accounts. These accounts were supposed to be opened by filling up forms to open this accounts. We were hired to feed the data on this paper on the internet. Problem was that the deadline was unrealistic taking into consideration the amount of work we were talking about. As the deadline approached, bosses became immensely strict we had to endure exceedingly little sleep exhaustion, and little rest to get the work done. Ultimately, we could not finish the work, and the project was extended. The problem was that if we had started earlier we could have done a better job.
Question#5. Lets begin an ongoing discussion on the tradeoffs involved in using consultants, or other third parties in IT projects. If applicable, include your own experiences.
Answer#5. Generally, trade offs likely to be encountered include poor explanation of the work to be done, different vocabulary use by the two groups or poor vocabulary management. Poor team work where everyone seeks to meet their end due to disagreement, little to no interaction, lack of support and a shared vision between the parties, no training for stakeholders, poor risk assessment, general planning and follow up.
Question#6. Can we generalise on the percentages of “competes” versus “qualifiers” applications?
Answer#6. I think it is almost impossible to estimate a percentage of how people spend to qualify and to compete, but never the less an estimation can be highly instrumental in writing down the budget of a software company. Because when competes become qualifiers, there must be a strategy in place to try and change the philosophy to meet the new conditions (Austin, Nolan, & O'Donnel, 2009 ).
Question#7. What is “infrastructure” and how does it differ from the systems we have discussed so far?
Answer#7. In conclusion, my view of infrastructure here is the computer software that interconnects computers physically and carries commands from one computer to another. The main difference between this infrastructure system and the one we discussed earlier in class is that the former is in hardware while the former is a software application (Austin, Nolan, & O'Donnel, 2009).
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