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«Three Impacts of Mega Events» - Great Essay Sample

«Three Impacts of Mega Events»


Effective planning is the main key to success in any kind of event. Usually, the planning of mega-events has major impacts in regards to social, economic, and cultural spheres for the particular event destination. Traditionally, numerous mega-events can trigger an outburst of social excitement. Organization of mega-events can also improve financial situation in the country and raise the revenue in the city where the event is held. Considering the cultural advantage in case of planning and staging various sports, fashion or cultural events, many racial and cultural barriers may be overcome as well. Each mega-event has certain advantages and disadvantages influencing the entire image of the country. Such events as Victoria Secret fashion show in Shanghai and 2010 FIFA World Cup had incredible economic, social, and cultural impacts on their target audiences. 

Economic, Social, and Cultural Impacts of the Victoria Secret Fashion Show

Economic Impact

Victoria Secret fashion show organized in Shanghai significantly influenced the economy, social, and cultural spheres of the city. The 2017 show was held on November 28 in Shanghai, China (Fawnia 2017). The event affected the economy of Shanghai and the entire country, in particular. Obviously, preparation for different mega-events increases economic activity. This can be explained by the fact that infrastructure investments would serve as an engine for the local economic growth. Obviously, construction activities for the mega-event usually require financial support from other countries and some enterprises. Consequently, the event holder city has an access to previously inaccessible resources (Barrios, Russell, and Andrews, 2016). Organization of Victoria Secret show required a huge sum of money. Organizers spent more than $26.4 million on the show (Yee, 2017). A large number of fashion world enterprises also contributed to the sponsorship of the show. As a result, the local government of Shanghai was also financially supported by organizers of the event. Moreover, the show influenced one more economic factor of the city. Not long ago, Victoria Secret opened their own shop in Shanghai. Consequently, the government receives taxes from the sales of Victoria’s Secret products (Fawnia 2017). The city business and local people benefit financially since the shop is opened and available for public access.

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Another economic benefit of mega-events is an increase of local income by the financial activity of foreign tourists and local visitors. Usually, they spend much money on tickets, merchandise, and memorabilia related to the event. Besides, coming from all over the globe, visitors pay for the places in hotels and hostels. Furthermore, they consume food and beverages in the area of their location. Visitors can also contribute financially to other social and leisure activities. In time free from the event, they can visit different destinations such as local markets, theatres, or cinemas. Traditionally, visitors buy a large number of souvenirs; hence, many local enterprises get an efficient financial benefit (Barrios, Russell, and Andrews, 2016). Considering the fact that Victoria Secret fashion show is a world-famous event, a huge number of foreign and local tourists come to participate in the show. They stay in hotels of Shanghai and eat in different restaurants or cafes. Moreover, they can buy many interesting things since China is known for their original and hand-made souvenirs.

Social Impact

Considering the social impact of mega-events, it means a lot for both a hosting country and other countries. First, it is important to mention that all mega-events require cooperation among different countries and local government towards a common goal. Consequently, they become involved in direct social interaction. Enhancement of openness and community participation is believed to be another important social impact of mega-events. Organization of each mega-event requires international interaction. Obviously, in order to plan the event effectively, hosting community and foreign representatives should be open to each other’s ideas and ready to participate in a large number of organizational and planning processes. Other social benefits of mega-events are recreation, leisure, and accessibility (Silvestre 2008-2009). Traditionally, all mega-events leave a large number of visible legacies such as new and renovated facilities and public spaces. Consequently, after the event is over, a local community can benefit from its organization. Another social impact influences human rights and civil liberties both of a hosting country and other foreign participants. Moreover, in order to guarantee a positive image to the external participants, local government can introduce new enforcement laws, which would prevent potentially dangerous individuals from making a bad impact on the event organization and holding (Silvestre 2008-2009). Consequently, Victoria Secret fashion show influenced the hosting community and foreign countries as well.

The social impact of such mega-event as Victoria Secret fashion show was quite evident from the very beginning of the event planning and organization. First, the event evolved not only hosting community but also a number of foreign participants. As a result, the social interaction among all these actors was inevitable. Local government and enterprises of Shanghai along with the foreign representatives such as the government of the United States and many world famous brands including Etam, La Perla, and Agent Provocateur. In addition, in order to enhance local community involvement in the event, Victoria Secret show organizers decided to open a new Victoria Secret brand shop in Shanghai in order to allow local people buy their products before and after the show took place. Another social impact of the show is that Chinese girls were also included into the list of Victoria Secret models. Moreover, after the show, Chinese audience realized that their women are as beautiful as other foreign models (Fawnia 2017). Besides, Chinese government did not allow some representatives of Victoria Secret such as Katy Perry and Gigi Hadid to cross the Chinese border. Consequently, they could not participate in the show. This fact evoked an active social international reaction among supporters of the show (Crabtree, 2017). Nevertheless, the show significantly affected China and Shanghai in particular, and the whole fashion world community in general.

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Cultural Impact

All mega-events have a great cultural impact on the country where they are organized and other foreign communities that participate there. This can be explained by the fact that both foreign and local participants get together and spend time communicating and learning something from each other. Furthermore, since such gatherings have an international significance, people coming to the hosting country share their own cultural experience and learn more about the cultural values, ideas, and beliefs of the hosting community. Besides, numerous national and religious traditions or customs can be represented during the event. Considering Victoria Secret fashion show, it had a cultural impact on China. For example, while eating in the restaurants of Shanghai, foreign representatives could learn Chines dining etiquette. Another example of cultural influence is the fact that foreign visitors and local people could share their cultural experience including language, cultural biases, values, and ideas. Another cultural aspect of the event which incredibly influenced the process of Victoria Secret show organization in China was the fact that its representative was accused of cultural appropriation in relation to Chinese tradition and history. The previous year was known for the notable wearing of one model of the dragon, which turned Chinese culture into a literal costume (Heller, 2017). As a result, during the show in Shanghai, models were restricted from wearing any costumes with Chinese cultural signs in order not to neglect Chinese representatives. Obviously, while organizing any kind of mega-event, it is important to consider all cultural differences including history, traditions, and customs in order to prevent potential misunderstandings.

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2010 FIFA World Cup Economic, Social, and Cultural Impacts

Economic Impact

FIFA World Cup is one of the most famous mega-events all over the world. The Cup of 2010 took place in South Africa and had a global influence (Gibson, 2010). First, the event had an incredible economic impact on the hosting country and other counties participating in FIFA World Cup planning and organization. Since South Africa is a developing country, the government obviously considered it not only as one-off event but also hoped that it will bring changes in country’s infrastructure, create employment opportunities, and favor economic growth. Furthermore, the event was believed to enhance the image of South Africa among other foreign countries. The event affected the economic situation of the country. It was claimed that in order to organize the World Cup, the government spent almost 3,12 billion of dollars. Consequently, this huge sum of money was used for transportation, telecommunication, and stadia development. Despite the fact that for such developing country as South Africa, this kind of investment was high, such economic organization provided the country with important lessons including budget distribution, management of mega-events, and improvement of communication among governmental spheres (Matsuoka De Aragao, 2015). Besides, the event also contributed to the increase in employment rate. More than 130,000 jobs were created for local inhabitants considering the construction of the stadium, infrastructure, and hospitality improvement (Matsuoka De Aragao, 2015). Another economic factor influencing the country financially is tourism. Since FIFA World Cup is the most famous sports mega-event, a huge number of football fans come to participate in it. Consequently, they stay in the country for several days. Many local businesses including hotels, hostels, restaurants, local cafes, and other venues benefit from active tourist growth. Moreover, tourists can buy many souvenirs in the hosting country in order to remember such a famous mega-event holding, particularly in South Africa. Hence, the country learned to perform financial organization of such an event and got a huge economic benefit.

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Social Impact of FIFA World Cup

The World Cup of 2010 had a great social impact on the South African community and foreign participants of the event. Since South Africa is a developing country, the event organization was a good chance to enhance their positive global image. Furthermore, event planning and organization promoted national unity and pride for the country. Hence, it was reported that considering 2010 FIFA World Cup, both the country’s residents and tourists claimed that the population of South Africa became more united during the mega-event and after it (Matsuoka De Aragao, 2015). Besides, taking into account South Africa, holding the event gave the country an opportunity to become a leader in the continent. Leading an international social interaction with foreign countries, South African government enhanced its credentials by the fact that event was successfully held (Matsuoka De Aragao, 2015). Obviously, people were able to show a great patriotism and social awareness. Another social impact of the event on South Africa is the fact that almost 80 million dollars were designated to different kinds of social projects related to football, education, development, and other kinds of humanitarian occupations (Matsuoka De Aragao, 2015). It can be also estimated that mega-event organization directly impacts locals and foreign visitors. Traditionally, sports mega-events create a relaxed atmosphere when different temporary restraints are absent or simply avoided. Moreover, people preferring football try to concentrate on matches rather than any kinds of misunderstandings. Consequently, 2010 FIFA World Cup brought a large number of social benefits either for the South African community and other foreign visitors.

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Cultural Impact of FIFA World Cup

FIFA World Cup of 2010 significantly influenced South African culture. First and most important is the fact that a hosting country got the opportunity to share its cultural heritage. Hence, all foreign participants of the event were able to learn more about South African culture, namely, its customs, traditions, food, and leisure preferences. Moreover, local inhabitants also learned ideas, beliefs, and behavioural cultural traditions of foreign visitors. Consequently, it was beneficial for both sides to be involved in cultural interaction in order to recognize and appreciate each other’s cultural background. Another cultural impact of the World Cup is the fact that it helped overcome many racial and cultural barriers. Foreign participants and local residents were seen as one common force providing their football teams with a great support and moral enhancement. Besides, the hosting country was able to enhance its cultural perspectives since it became well-known worldwide. People from all over the world, could find more about South African culture considering its attitudes and behaviours. It can be said that all mega-events paly an essential role in shaping a form of culture in regards to the international and local public (Visser, 2015). As a result, FIFA World Cup significantly influenced the cultural image of South Africa as they got a great opportunity to share their traditions and customs.


In conclusion, a large number of mega-events directly influence both hosting and international communities. Usually, such three impacts as economic, social, and cultural are identified when considering the results of mega-events. The economic impact is usually connected with the economic development and financial growth of the country where the event is organized. Social factor influences social interaction and integration of foreign participants and local residents, while cultural impact encourages them to share various traditions, beliefs, and customs. Victoria Secret fashion show and 2010 FIFA World Cup are mega-events, which significantly influenced not only the hosting community but also other foreign countries.


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