Without any doubt, in the 21st century, society has faced a big environmental problem, commonly known as global warming, that can relentlessly confront humanity. According to the definition, global warming is a gradual rise of temperature near the Earth’s surface and in the troposphere that leads to significant changes in the global climate models. Historically, the scientific use of the term “global warming” was first dated in 1975 after the publication of the scientific paper “Are We on the Edge of a Pronounced Global Warming?” In 1988, the testimony of NASA climate scholar James Hansen led to popularization of the motto of generation “stop global warming”. However, a researcher from the American Institute of Physics, Weart (2) suggested that the analyzed notion was discovered earlier, in 1859, by a Victorian scientist John Tyndall who saw that some gases strongly influenced infrared radiation. Additionally, the next significant breakthrough in the consideration of the Earth’s temperature changes was done by a Swedish scholar Svante Arrhenius that was the first scientist who published the calculation of global warming as a result of human emissions of CO2 (Weart 3).
Undoubtedly, in the framework of studying global warming, it is necessary to mention the main causes of this disaster to check human imprudent activities and to assume the appropriate measures with the aim of solving this issue. The main cause of global warming is carbon dioxide emissions as a result of fossil fuel burning plants. This can be explained by the fact that society is addicted to electricity from coal burning power plants. Thus, 94% of atmospheric emissions are caused by the electric utility industry (Business Week 6). The second cause is methane emissions from animals and agriculture manufactures. For instance, the excessive usage of chemical fertilizers or croplands leads to the formation of the “dead zones” in the oceans, and it dramatically influences the food that people consume. In addition, deforestation is another reason of global warming since it has an impact on the reduction of carbon capture on the Earth.
Undoubtedly, global warming has considerably affected the rise in sea level. Scientists have distinguished the main symptoms of the increase in sea level such as thermal expansion of water resources and melting glaciers. Thermal expansion can be amplified by the general increase in temperature. Glaciers and icecaps are melting due to the considerable loss of water from the body of ice and snow. Moreover, one of the causes of the sea level rise is melting land ice. Furthermore, an American investigator Barry R. Lewis distinguished two types of sea level increase such as eustatic and isostatic. Eustactic sea level rise is caused due to thermal expansion. Isostatic sea level increase responds to the vertical geological shifts of land surface that has a considerable influence on sea level. Indisputably, the rise in sea level is a serious issue and a threat to coastal communities since 40% of the world’s population lives within 100 kilometers of the shorelines (Business Week 13).
Unfortunately, the Maldives are currently facing a big problem concerning global warming since the weather changes and ice melting influenced the rise in the sea level to a great extent and cast doubt on the existence of this island and its inhabitants in the future. According to the tectonics of the Maldives, it is the country that is situated on the lowest level in the world. Its ground is five feet above sea level, and the highest point is seven feet above sea level. Geographically, the Maldives (the Republic of Maldives) is an island in the Indian Ocean that includes twenty-six coral islands (atolls). It is generally true that the Maldives are characterized as the islands with a fragile environment and a fragile democratic policy. The rise in sea level can dramatically influence the country’s tourism industry, cause a serious damage to flora and fauna, and reshape life in the Maldives. Undeniably, global warming has affected two major spheres in the Maldives such as environment and politics. The environmental sphere can include sea level rise, habitat loss, decline in biodiversity, and species loss land. First of all, the rise in sea level in the Maldives can be explained by the fact that three quarters of the land of the Maldives is a meter above sea level. Thus, a slight rise in sea level can cause a terrible effect on this land and lead to disappearance of this country under water. For instance, the rise in sea level of 1.5 meters can submerge 80% of the territory of this country. Secondly, rising sea levels can appallingly influence biodiversity in these islands since the ecosystems can be tremendously changed. For instance, if the Maldives sink, the whole animal and plant world will eradicate. Thirdly, the rise in sea level has caused a constant threat to humans since most of them will relocate to the other countries (Smalls 3). Thus, an international conflict can occur and consequently, there can be many refugees from the Maldives, who may be forced to leave their homes on account of the rise in sea level. Furthermore, the fragility in democracy of the Maldives can be amplified by the autocratic President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom who governed since November 11, 1978. Unfortunately, this leader did not adopt any democratic reforms while his authority was full of torture and cruel leadership. For example, on September 19, 2003, one struggle for democracy occurred in the Maafushi Jail. Unfortunately, the police officers opened fire against rivals and killed three inmate people. Moreover, the political dissonance considerably influenced economic delay that in future can contribute to the beginning of the civil war. Consequently, violence expanded in the Maldives as a key feature of the then state of political affairs. The consequences of the battle for democratic rights were followed by daily police attacks, burning of police stations in the south and smashing of Buddhist relics by the Islamic radicals.
From 2008 to 2012, the Republic of the Maldives was governed by the democratic President Mohamed Nasheed, the official founder of the Maldivian Democratic Party. Mr. Nasheed has taken the course of finding the available territory for the Maldives that will be carbon neutral. This President clearly understood that this country is at the edge of destruction since the rise in sea level will overtake the Maldives. Furthermore, this democratic leader was fighting for the stabilization of climate change on the level as for the respect of human rights. Unfortunately, Mr. Nasheed was imprisoned for his democratic values by the Maldives’s dictator Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. However, Mohamed Nasheed was a confident person, and he decided to attack the dictatorial ruling clique for the public good. In 2011, the idea of recording the effort of struggling against global warming occurred (Bajaj 2). Jon Shenk, a documentary filmmaker, decided to make a film “The Island President” about climate change and the rise in sea level on the example of the Maldives. Moreover, this director promulgated the democratic leadership of President Mohamed Nasheed and his efforts to stop the spread of global warming. Jon Shenk took Mahamed’s ideas to blame nuclear base countries such as the United States, China and India with the terrible influence on the extension of greenhouse effect. Undoubtedly, the work of President Mohamed Nasheed is undoubtedly important since he is the first democratic leader who is not indifferent to the life of the Maldives (Shenk 4).
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Indisputably, the local government and the citizens should support the ideas of President Mohamed Nasheed in order to prevent the annihilation of the Maldives. First of all, it is highly recommended to pay attention to the islands with the great elevation since a minimal rise in sea level can cause serious danger to the Maldives. Secondly, the scientist has recommended reestablishing the new land in the least possible degree of one meter above high tide. By taking this measure, the groundwater storage capacity will be significantly increased. Thirdly, home owners should attend to the construction of their homes in case sea level rises; it is advisable to build the floors of homes at four feet above high tide. Moreover, all countries around the world should support the government of the Maldives and give the first aid in case of an emergency. Finally, it is highly recommended to create a coral reef research center in the Maldives in order to control the minimal changes in the rise of sea level and the speed of these changes.
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All in all, people should review their impact on global warming and assume radical measures to solve this issue since this issue has a relentless effect on the growth in sea levels, expansion of storms and hurricanes, global failure of crops, terrific extinction of animals, and evanescence of coral reefs in the Maldives. Does the impudent behavior of the Maldives’s government deserve the impossibility of the existence of future generation? The answer is definitely no. People have to be good stewards of the planet and support the work of the state and different programs that attempt to protect the environment. Moreover, the local citizens should follow the programs of President Mohamed Nasheed who was the first democratic leader that took into account the seriousness of this situation. His persistent work has considerably influenced the development of democratic values in the Maldives and proclaimed the urgent time of taking appropriate measures in order to prevent the destruction and submersion of the Maldives.
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Annotated Bibliography
Bajaj, Vikas. “Climate Prophet in Hot Water ‘The Island President’ and Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives”. 28 Mar. 2012. Web.
In this article based on the scientific research, Bajaj analyses the government of the democratic President Mohamed Nasheed that lasted from of 2008 to 2012. He attempts to investigate Mohamed’s system of stabilization of climate change and improvement of quality of life of local citizens. Furthermore, Bajaj tries to analyze the main ideas of the film “The Island President” and its adherence to the reality. An experienced researcher, Bajaj explains the main changes in the Maldives during the government of Mohamed Nasheed in the historical sequence of actions. His article is clearly apprehended, timely, and well-built.
Business Week. “Global Warming”. Business Week, 4014, 102, 18 Dec. 2006.
This article in Business Week attempts to point out the main causes of global warming and to investigate the appropriate measures with the aim of solving this issue. Furthermore, in this article it is sequence the statistical data that include percentage rate of atmospheric, and Methane emissions. Moreover, in this article it is discussed human addiction to electricity from coal burning power plants, and formation of the “dead zones” in the oceans that dramatically influence the food that people consume. The article is scientifically investigated, descriptive, full of evidence, and logically built.
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Shenk, Jon. “The Island President Deposed”. The New York Times, 8 Feb. 2012. Web
The main purpose of Shenk’s article is to point out the fundamental changes in the government of the Maldives that has caused to the development of this Republic thanks to the democratic leadership of President Mohamed Nasheed and his efforts to stop the spread of global warming. Furthermore, Shenk has clearly explains the role of Mohamed Nasheed in the reduction of fossil fuels caused by thoughtless human behavior in the United States, China and India. Shenk’s article provides a thorough analysis of the work of President Mohamed Nasheed and his contribution to the life of the Maldives.
Smalls, Lorry. “Why are the Maldives sinking?” Hellium, 23 Sep. 23, 2012. Web.
In this article, Smalls intends to explain two major spheres, such as environment and politics, that inextricably connect with global warming in the Maldives. Smalls clearly points out the main issues concerning sinking of the Maldives, such as sea level rise, habitat loss, decline in biodiversity, and species loss land in her scientific article. Moreover, she investigates the problem regarding demographic issue of the Maldives and its destruction, while most of people will be forced to move to other countries due to terrible environmental changes. Smalls’s article is well-developed, scientifically organized, and clear in evidence and examples.
Weart, Spencer. “The Discovery of Global Warming”. 3 Dec. 2009. Web.
On this website, Spencer attempts to give the users undoubtedly profound opportunity to find the core problems concerning global warming. Moreover, in this article it is discussed the history of investigation of global warming from the first reminiscence about this issue in 1975 until nowadays. Additionally, on this website there is important information about the main causes of the decline in flora and fauna, ill-conceived human actions, global climate and environmental changes. The available information is supported by scientific works and professional articles in the field of investigation of global warming.
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