As the matter of fact, labour supply study is very important for understanding revenue and welfare effects of taxation. Many dimensions of labour supply seem to be relevant to different groups of people. Mirrlees’ tax system considers hours of work per week and per year, labour force participation, and total taxable income. At various points in time, numerous reforms took place to change the tax system and benefits it gives. It is possible to estimate effects of taxes and benefits considering that these incomes varied across time and individuals for unrelated reasons of work preferences. We can assume that the effects of policy reforms could be confounded with aggregate shifts in hours of work. Blundell, Duncan, & Meghir consider that reforms affect different individuals differently (Mirrlees 41). Given the above discussion, there will be substantial differential effects on benefit entitlement due to the reforms in different parts of the country. Instead of using in-work and out of work income measures, there are predicted these and thus average different types of religious and educational groups. It has long been known that preferences for work do not exhibit variety of trends across the group.
Family Resource Survey (FRS) has been designed especially for socio-economic researches with a focus on employment, income, and expenditures (Mirrlees 42). These are changes in probability of work corresponding to unit increase in the income measure. Each person has two income measures: one is the predicted income (in-work income) and the other is the unpredicted income (out-of work income). The combination of these two measures together with their coefficients reflects the return to work for each individual. The participation probability does not depend on the difference in incomes, but on the income measures individually with separate weights: each income measure has a different weight because income is valued differently when in-work than when out of work. Welfare benefits and renew tax system can have substantial effects on the worker and his behaviour. There is no difference whether it is an unskilled worker or a man with high school education. However, as we argued earlier, simple elasticity like that can be quite misleading as far as evaluating specific reforms. Moreover, reforms we are likely to consider in practice may affect incomes at many parts of the budget constraint and there may be interactions with other welfare benefits (Mirrlees 43).
The estimated model for reforms ignores the house dimension. This model is quite sophisticated. It allows for complete structure, the welfare-benefits, and tax system. In addition, such reform model allows for endogeneity of either post-tax incomes or hourly wages. Principles of this tax model were combined by investigation and analyzing information from a number of tax reforms and the way they have affected different groups of individuals living in different parts of the country. The context of the model approved simulating a tax reform implies changing the required parameters of tax and welfare systems and then determining how this will change the out-of-work and expected in-work income of each individual and the resulting work probability. It is significant because the elasticity alone is not sufficient to predict what effects the reform will have.
Income tax is the most important fiscal tool in the country. Mirrless investigated the model of social taxation. According to the tax system, there were set different parameters for single and married people. This reform predicted a substantial positive employment effect for low-wage cohabiting men with some small negative employment effects for higher wage individuals.
He argued that people taxation should be provided according to their abilities. Nowadays, people tend to think that Mirrless tax model is contradictory, inoperative, and subjective. However, by using taxation Mirrless tried to collect revenue. As a typical person, Mirrless wanted more goods (x) and less work (y). Anyway, one must work for the goods. The tax model of Mirrless is as following: Max ui = u(xi, yi ), s.t. xi = f (yi ). In the model "u" means utility function, "y" is a productive function. The model means that if there is a tax on the income, consumption would be smaller. Therefore, the productive line would swing lower. Hence, any taxation will reduce person’s utility, while any subsidy will increase it (Choi 1). Mirrless supposed that all peoples’ utility includes social welfare function. The objective of the government is to minimize such overall welfare by shuffling subsidy and taxation.
Mirrless principle has been disproved by many others. His first suggestion is subjective, while the second is contradictory. There is no such thing as an optimal income tax.
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